11th International IEEE Conference: DESSERT’2020

May 14-18
9 AM to 6 PM

Don't miss the 11th International IEEE Conference on Dependable Systems, Services, and Technologies (DESSERT’2020)! The conference will be held from 14 to 18 May 2020.

Leonid Khatskevych, Head of IoT department at 482.solutions, will be a speaker at 11th IEEE International Conference. The DESSERT 2020’s theme will be “IoT, Big Data and AI for a Safe & Secure World and Industry 4.0”. This year the conference will bring together speakers from Ukraine, France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, Bulgaria, UK, and the USA.

Leonid Khatskevych’s report topic is “Blockchain as a digital implementation of Ronald Coase’s transaction cost theory.”

DESSERT’2020 is responding to current major challenges relating to state-of-the-art information and communication technologies and paradigms such as cloud and edge computing, Internet of things, big data, AI, and ML, software-defined applications, cyber-physical systems, etc.

The scientific program сonference will highlight the latest advances in dependability research related to the IoT, Big data, and data mining techniques for business and critical domains. Blockchain technology for critical and business domains.