Innovative solutions provider for Energy Sector

The key competency of is creating solutions for “Industry 4.0” issues: Blockchain, Future of Energy, Digital Identity, Decentralized Asset Management, Financial Products, and Services.

is a software engineering provider specializing in innovative solutions using decentralized technologies.


Our International Representation office in Singapore acts as a bridge for strategic partnerships and commercial opportunities between EU, Ukraine, and ASEAN countries.


Platforms and systems Ethereum (Parity), Hyperledger Fabric, IPFS, libp2p, Tendermint

Engineering & Technology Experience’s active projects in the field of energy:
  1. Product development Electrodo.
    Electrodo – trust ecosystem for neo-energy traceability, management and trading. Using decentralized and blockchain technologies Electrodo provides solutions of engineering and economic issues within energy asset management with zero transaction costs. Electrodo is a single sign-on to the Open Electricity Markets.
  2. Participation in the R&D project with Pylon City (Singapore) with support by the Eureka’s grant (Pylon City & Eureka Grand Call).
  3. The partnership with Energy Web Foundation (Switzerland).
    Energy Web (EW) is a global nonprofit organization accelerating a low-carbon, customer-centric electricity system by unleashing the potential of open-source, decentralized technologies. EW focuses on building core infrastructure and shared technology, speeding adoption of commercial solutions, and fostering a community of practice. The Energy Web members include companies such as EDF, Vodafone, General Electric, PTT, Eneco, SPgroup, and other biggest power companies in the energy sector.
  4. The organization and running the “Innovations in Energy” Conference. The meeting was attended by the representatives of companies working in the field of energy innovation from around the world (Energy Web Foundation, EcoLabs – Centre of Innovation for Energy, DTEK, General Electric).
  5. Partnership with the Ukrainian Electromobility Association. Development of project concept the introduction of the system of roaming for electric vehicle charging service operators.
CEO of DTEK company Maxim Timchenko and Leonid Khatskevych

The partnership with DTEK:
a) Building a decentralized marketplace for P2P renewable energy traceability and trading.
b) We participated in “Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing” as an innovative partner of DTEK.
c) We held an extensive number of lectures with DTEK Academy, which specializes in corporate education and training of state sector employees.
d) We organized an educational workshop on Blockchain technology for DTEK staff and managers.
e) Development of project for Guarantee of Origin management of electricity supply with DTEK.

Innovation and Development

Engaging in the national development of the Ukrainian innovation ecosystem is actively promoting technology ways of upgrading various industrial processes as part of the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine (APPAU). In close collaboration with DTEK, Interpipe, Railway Automatic, and Metinvest Digital, we are working on IT projects and industrial standardization projects.

Representatives of included in the Blockchain Association of Ukraine (BAU). As members of BAU, we take an active part in the activities and projects of the association. As key members of BAU, they became participants in a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

The Blockchain Association of Ukraine and the Blockchain Association of Kenya have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in Kuwait.

Roselyn Gicira (Chairlady, BAK), H.E. Andrii Pravednyk (Ukrainian ambassador to Kenya), Leonid Foiu-Khatskevych (BAU ambassador)

Scientific & Educational Activities

The most topical areas of research by

Development of mechanisms to ensure the transparency of the financial sector in Ukraine on Blockchain-based distributed ledger technology.

The theoretical basis underpinnings of Blockchain technology, and finding new ways to look at innovation and technology beyond organizational boundaries. Scientific publication: European scientific journal of Economic and Financial innovation Analysis and solution of the conceptual and terminological problem of the Blockchain concept.

Implementation of an optimal energy management strategy without intermediaries.

The introduction of the concept of Digital twins in the industry using blockchain technology. Scientific publication: “Blockchain as a Transaction Protocol for Guaranteed Transfer of Values in Cluster Economic Systems with Digital Twins”. The article contains a theoretical justification for using Blockchain as a technology for implementing DID and the interaction of economic agents (IEEE catalogue reference).

Theoretical and applied issues of ensuring transformation processes of decentralization of the economic system of Ukraine.

Theoretical and applied issues of building production and economic cluster systems of the new generation, in accordance with the paradigm of Industry 4.0.

Possibilities of creating a “free” ecosystem of value transfer with minimal participation of institutional intermediaries. PROJECT

ELECTRODO develops product Electrodo – trust ecosystem for neo-energy traceability, management and trading. Electrodo is a single sign-on to the Open Electricity Markets and modular ecosystem on top of the open-source IBM Hyperledger Fabric – enterprise-grade, modular DLT platform.

Using decentralized and blockchain technologies Electrodo provides solutions of engineering and economic issues within energy asset management with zero transaction costs.

Electrodo solves energy transition challenges through:
— Energy Asset traceability and management
— Open Electricity Market onboarding and trading

Sustainable Energy Tracking on a Blockchain

Achieving sustainable living in HDB with end-to-end energy tracking and reward system on a Blockchain. Project under EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call.

Key participants, Pylon City, Ecolabs (NTU), Project Shea (Singapore).

Inception date: Q1 2021

Creating P2P Energy and Renewable Energy Certificates trading platform that also supports a sustainable living cryptocurrency that rewards people for accomplishing tasks that improves on their household energy profile. The result of the R&D project will be a new product based on solutions from Pylon City and, that provides users a system for accounting, digitization, and gamification of green energy consumption.

During R&D collaboration we implement on the Project Shea testbed a series of experiments aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and creating in the community a mindset related to sustainable urban living and a green economy’s behavior models.

Using the Shea living pod as a representation of a prosumer household, the generation of solar energy, together with the occupants’ daily consumption of electricity is used to create an energy profile that can be changed over time through a gamified scoring system. Powermon will be integrate with Electrodo to generate Renewable Energy Credits from the generation of solar energy, whereas the gamified scoring system can be integrated with Electrodo to generate a crypto-token that can be spent with partnering merchants.

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