482.solutions joins 2nd EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call and looking for partners to create R&D consortium

Exciting news! 

Singapore - July 2020. EUREKA, in partnership with Enterprise Singapore, announced - 2nd EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call  - Virtual Marketplace funding competition for research and development (R&D) projects under the EUREKA programme.

Eureka is an international network established in 1985 as an agreement between 18 countries to foster European competitiveness and integration and to encourage R&D cooperation.

Since then, they have expanded to include over 45 countries in Europe and beyond.

EUREKA gives the freedom to create an ideal consortium and decide the technological focus of international R&D projects. These programmes are flexible and open to startups, SMEs, large companies, research organizations, and universities.

For the first time in history, Ukraine has joined this initiative. Ukraine innovative companies can apply to develop innovative proposals with Singapore and other EUREKA participating members.

Ukrainian organizations that participate in international R&D projects are eligible for funding through Network projects, Globalstars, and Clusters programmes. The Ukrainian Startup Fund and The Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine (MESU) support Ukrainian organizations interested in international collaboration giving them access to expertise and supporting their growth.

482.solutions did not miss this opportunity and took part in the 2nd EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call with project Electrodo

Electrodo is an ecosystem for transactive energy management. Using decentralized and blockchain technologies Electrodo solves engineering, economic, environmental, and societal energy transition challenges for smart grids, off-grid and urban microgrids energy assets management with zero transaction costs.

Electrodo is a modular ecosystem builds on the Hyperledger Fabric distributed ledger framework for building a financial layer in Smart Grid, Transactive Energy, Renewable energy, and EV-mobility digital infrastructure. It is fully compatible with the requirements (scaling, security, etc.) for the corporate and public critical infrastructure. Blockchain allows to build of a seamless and borderless environment for the electricity transition between all participants eliminating transaction costs.

With Electrodo we make Industry 4.0 possible by re-thinking energy.

We are inviting innovative firms from Singapore and Ukraine with expertise in domains Energy, CleanTech, GreenTech to cooperation, and joint participation in the Eureka R&D consortium.

About 482.solutions.

482.solutions is a software engineering provider specializing in innovative solutions using decentralized technologies.

The key expertise of 482.solutions is building solutions for Industry 4.0 issues: Blockchain, Future of Energy, Digital Identity, Decentralized Asset Management, Financial Products, and Services.

Contact us: hello@482.solutions

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