482.solutions is proud to partner with world-class technology projects around the world. As part of our commitment to our partners and to jointly promote our technologies, 482.solutions embarked on a large roadshow in Asia from 26, February to 30, April. This included a visit by our founders to the ProximaX main office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Here, our founders personally presented a certificate of cooperation to the founder and co-founder of ProximaX, Mr. Lon Wong and Mr. Alvin Reyes respectively, as evidence of the close cooperation that has been going on between our projects.

In 2018, 482.solutions and ProximaX signed a Memorandum of Understanding whereby we had agreed to work closely to develop new use cases and conduct project research and development on the ProximaX platform using 482.solutions’ innovative technical expertise, especially in the areas of IoT and robotics.

ProximaX and 482.solutions are united by a common and global goal, which is to introduce and facilitate the adoption of blockchain technology in the real world. To this end, we are working closely to conduct educational meetings for enterprises, governments and organizations.
We are confident that united as a team, we will be able to create world-class innovative products that will influence and change the technological world.