PyDEN-Electrodo project gets the EUREKA label and grant. Finally we have got this achievement. Information about the award of the Eureka label to our joint project with the Singapore company Pylon City was announced separately on official websites Ministry of Education and Science and Ukrainian Foundation of Startups. in cooperation with Singapore company Pylon […]
We have a piece of great news! The team became one of the winners of the Powering Possibility Hackathon. We managed to create an amazing project: Market of digital arts in SYMBOL wallet NFTs have been the source of whispers across the globe over the past few months and are a strong contender to […]
We have a piece of great news! Our company becomes one of the WINNERS OF THE NOMINATION “Best Startup Innovation Cases in Ukraine 2020“. We were pleased to participate in the Ukraine Innovation Awards 2020 — the first Ukrainian award for corporates and startups who provide innovative solutions that can help businesses to grow through […]